Benefits of Being Bilingual – 13 Ways to Give Your Child A Head Start…via a New Language!

Watch a FREE webinar “13 Ways to Give Your Child A Head Start…For Life…Via A New Language!”, specially created for parents! Explains how decades of research, including that at Harvard and Cornell, shows that language learning greatly helps children and gives them a head start in brain development, life-skills, and social-skills. This is a FREE informative webinar that will show you :

Yes 13 key areas where children benefit immensely just by learning a new language, and why!

YesTime-tested advice, tips and tricks to making this happen with ease!

YesHow to strengthen all of the areas above, by only spending a little fun time with your kids each day while they enjoy a new language!

YesHow to do this without being bilingual or even knowing the language your kids are learning!


Benefits – In the Media

1. The New York Times – “The Bilingual Advantage“

2. BBC – “Being bilingual ‘boosts brain power’

3.  Head Start – “The Benefits of Being Bilingual” –

(Head Start is an Office of the Adminstration for children and families – Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) )

(will keep adding more good links here…)

Resources to Learn A Second Language

1. Little Pim – (Age group : 0-6)  (Languages: Spanish, Chinese, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian,  English, Portugese) –

2. Cheeni For TotsHindi Immersion Program –(Age group : 4-12)  – Language – Hindi with instructions in English, designed especially for non-native speakers of Hindi –

(will keep adding more good resourcesd here…)